Case code
Date of decision
Decision reviewed
Dismissal - criminal finding
Decision subject
Sexual harassment/sexual misconduct
PRSB order
Decision affirmed

Outcome published but reasons for decision not published under s154A as deal with private medical matters

Application to review DISMISSAL –s. 146(1)(m) – Decision to dismiss s.80 of the Police Regulation Act 1958 following a conviction of stalking female police colleague proven in the Magistrates Court – use of pseudonyms considered – pseudonyms used to identify witnesses but not the Applicant – requests for adjournment to allow consideration of outcome of County Court appeal – consideration of new material including medical evidence as to mitigating circumstances – public interest and interests of Applicant considered – court’s decision on findings of fact binding – Applicant’s actions destructive of trust and confidence of employer and public, harms caused – full copy of decision provided to the parties, abridged version published – not in the public interest to publish in full – Dismissal confirmed.

Police Registration and Services Board
Police Registration and Services Board
Date of Publication

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