This conversation was organised by the Professional Standards Division of the Police Registration and Services Board (PRSB).  It took place on 9 September 2022.

While we encourage or expect people to speak up about wrongdoing, trust is needed for people to speak up. However, the concept of trust can be vague and used as a catch-all.

This evidence based conversation, answers the following questions:

  •  What does trust mean concretely for speaking up?
  •  Who needs to trust whom? And to do or be what exactly?
  •  How can we establish trust for people to speak up?
  •  What evidence do we have about what works and what guidance is available?

Watch the presentation here: (External link)

Professor Wim Vandekerckhove holds a PhD from Ghent University. Before joining EDHEC, he held a lecturer post at Ghent University (Belgium), visiting scholarships at the University of Oslo (Norway), Griffith University (Australia), the International Anti-Corruption Academy (Austria), and was Professor of Business Ethics at the University of Greenwich (UK).

Wim has provided expertise on whistleblowing to various organisations, including Council of Europe, United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC), the International Olympic Committee (IOC), Transparency International, the UK Department of Health, the UK Financial Conduct Authority, and the British Standards Institute (BSI). He was the convenor for ISO37002, the international standard for whistleblowing management systems.