Application to review DISMISSAL –– s.146(1)(m) of the Victoria Police Act 2013 –– Decisions to dismiss made under section 132(1)(h) following breach of discipline (disgraceful conduct) being found proven –– range of allegations that police officer intentionally lied to police managers and investigators, coerced some civilians to lie to police and others not to cooperate with police, used and disclosed information for personal interests, took and disseminated a photograph of a child in custody, accompanied with the message “chasing blackfellas and got him” and exchanged inappropriate sexist emails over the Victoria Police email – Board decided to de-identify witnesses but rejected request to redact name of police officer – approach to considering evidence – legislative scheme enables charges and particulars to be amended – decision not to call witnesses was not unjust – matters of parity considered – Board concludes each charge proven and that dismissal on each charge not harsh, unjust and unreasonable
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