PRSB can only review certain decisions made in relation to Police Officers and Protective Service Officers. Police Custody Officers (PCO) and other VPS employees can contact Victoria Police Human Resources Command or the CPSU (External link) about VPS reviews or disputes.

Police Officers and Protective Service Officers may apply to the PRSB for review of the following decisions made under the Victoria Police Act 2013, as listed in section 146:

Decision CategoryDescriptionVictoria Police Act 2013
Disciplinary decisionsDismissals.146(1)(m) or s.146(2)(k)
 Fines.146(1)(j) or s.146(2)(h)
 Period of ineligibility for promotions.146(1)(k) or s.146(2)(I)
 Reduction of rank or senioritys.146(1)(e) or s.146(2)(c)
 Reduction of remunerations.146(1)(f) or s.146(2)(d)
 Transfers.146(1)(g) or s.146(2)(e)
TerminationTermination of appointments.146(1)(I) or s.146(2)(j)
 Reduction of rank or senioritys.702(2)(b) or (c)
 Transfers.70(2)(a) or (c)
Non-disciplinary decisionDecision not to promote officer, being a constable to the rank of senior constable, in the same positions.146(1)(d)
 Disallow officer's promotions.146(1)(b) or s.146(2)(b)
 Not to confirm officer's promotions.146(1)(a) or s.146(2)(a)
 Officer is unsuitable for promotion to position of senior constable (general duties)s.164(1)(c)
Transfer decisionsDirected transfer under section 35s.146(1)(h) or s.146(2)(f)
 To otherwise compulsory transfers.146(1)(i) or s.146(2)(g)