Beavis, S
Case code
Date of decision
Decision reviewed
Dismissal - discipline
132 (1)(h)
Decision subject
PRSB order
Decision affirmed

Application to review DISMISSAL –– s.146(1)(m) of the Victoria Police Act 2013 –– Decision to dismiss made under section 132 (1)(h) following breach of discipline (improper conduct) being found proven –– DRUG USE and DISHONESTY –– non-publication of information, open justice principles considered, evidentiary and public interest thresholds not met –– significant integrity risk posed by illicit drug use, including potential corruption of police by criminal interests, IBAC Report discussed –– illicit drug use also impacts standing to uphold law and confidence of the community in police –– planned dishonesty during discipline interview a serious aggravating consideration, impact on standing as a witness of truth and on the mutual trust and confidence essential in the employment relationship –– mitigating considerations: maturity, no present risk, good work performance, community regard –– public interest in deterrence –– consistency of outcomes considered –– Applicant’s interests considered –– Board concludes decision to dismiss was not harsh unjust or unreasonable.

Police Registration and Services Board
State of Victoria
Date of Publication

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