Application to review DISMISSAL –– s.146(1)(m) of the Victoria Police Act 2013 –– breach of discipline (disgraceful conduct) found proven (admitted) –– DISHONESTY –– false nomination of brother for speeding infringement notice in breach of s.84BI of the Road Safety Act 1981 –– whether inquiry process was unfair and impacted outcome –– mitigating considerations: whether Applicant’s mental health had a significant effect on his conduct –– public interest considered (integrity of, and trust and confidence in Victoria Police); public interest in consistency and parity of discipline outcomes; public interest in retaining suitable employees (impact of dishonesty on standing as a witness and trust and confidence) –– interests of the Applicant (financial, family and social impacts) –– Board concludes dismissal was not harsh, unjust or unreasonable –– decision to dismiss affirmed.
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