Case code
Date of decision
Decision reviewed
Transfer - discipline
Decision subject
Breach instruction/policy
PRSB order
Decision affirmed

Application to review transfer to other duties under s.146(1)(g) of the Victoria Police Act 2013 - acting in a manner prejudicial to the good order or discipline of Victoria Police found proven (charge admitted) -–– Discipline charge amended by consent under Regulation 52(1) of the Victoria Police Regulations 2014 -––  whether providing discretion to Assistant Commissioner to determinate final transfer destination was a proper exercise of delegation  or ultra vires –– meaning of the term ‘ transfer to other duties - whether sanction was disproportionate to the seriousness of the breach ––  treatment of aggravating and mitigating factors -––  use of the term ‘bordering on seditious -––  purposes of rank-based structures ––  public interest and interest of the Applicant considered ––  Board not satisfied transfer to other duties “harsh, unjust or unreasonable” – transfer affirmed

Police Registration and Services Board
Police Registration and Services Board
Date of Publication

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