Case code
Date of decision
Decision reviewed
Dismissal - criminal finding
Decision subject
Family violence
PRSB order
Decision affirmed

Application to review DISMISSAL—­­s.146(2)(k) of the Victoria Police Act 2013 –– Decision to dismiss Protective Services Officer (PSO) under s.136(1)(f) after a criminal offence punishable by imprisonment was found proven (unlawful assault, contrary to s.23 of the Summary Offence Act 1966) ­— Incident involved hands on throat, in context (history of anger, ‘cycle of violence’, past police attendances and intervention orders — Public interest in not employing police or PSOs who engage in family violence: Board decisions CNS, Morakis and Royal Commission findings on police and family violence discussed — risks to policing response to family violence where perpetrators benefit from standing as police members, tactics training, system knowledge, relationships etc — Applicant’s engagement in counselling and behavior change programs noted — interests of the Applicant considered.  Board concludes the decision to dismiss was not harsh, unjust or unreasonable and affirms decision to dismiss.

Police Registration and Services Board
Police Registration and Services Board
Date of Publication

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