Case code
Date of decision
Decision reviewed
Transfer – directed or compulsory
Decision subject
Operational needs
PRSB order
Decision affirmed

Application to review directed transfer of the Applicant to a remote police station under s.35 of the Victoria Police Act 2013 after General Duties Allocation Committee (GDAC) process – information capable of identifying the Applicant omitted from reasons, (s.154A) – Applicant did not apply for any metropolitan priority positions – applicant applied for a ballot exemption – Applicant selected in ballot for WD6 position – new case sought to be lodged for the first time at the review – two limbs of new case (i) Applicant’s wife is a paramedic who is unable to transfer from her location & (ii) Applicant’s wife suffered a workplace injury in December 2019 and is being supported by applicant – new case allowed by the Board – Applicant to be provided with a low-rent police house and highly supportive management - Board considered competing interests of ensuring policing services provided to other police and the community with interests of applicant – Board not satisfied transfer would impose any unusual burden on the Applicant and his wife – Applicant and his wife are each supported by organisations with mechanisms to mitigate difficulties to be expected – decision by Victoria Police to transfer not harsh, unjust or unreasonable – transfer affirmed.    


Police Registration and Services Board
Police Registration and Services Board
Date of Publication

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