Case code
Date of decision
Decision reviewed

EXTENSION OF TIME s.164 ­–  Applicant resigned in writing from Victoria Police in 2018 in the course of a discipline inquiry – Applicant seeks extension of time to lodge an application for review – Applicant argues his written notice of resignation was not voluntary and employment was constructively terminated – argues exceptional circumstances exist to extend time to lodge application for review as complaint made to IBAC about conduct of the investigation only recently resolved.

Board constituted under s.148 – Police officers statutory appointees – Victoria Police Act 2013 prescribes the process for appointment (s.27) and resignation (s.65) ­– no relevant decision to dismiss or terminate the police officer’s appointment by the Chief Commissioner or a person authorised which is reviewable under section 146(1)(l) or (m) no exceptional circumstances for extending the time to apply for reviewapplication for extension of time to lodge application for review refused.


Police Registration and Services Board
Police Registration and Services Board
Date of Publication

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