Application to review directed TRANSFER –– s.146(1)(h) of the Victoria Police Act 2013 –– Decision under s.35 (‘reasonably necessary…for the provision of policing services’) following the General Duties Allocation Committee process (GDAC) –– public interest in ensuring policing services are provided across State–– Applicant applied for Priority Positions within commuting distance of her home but was not successful –– leave given to lodge documents not before the GDAC so that arguments could be explored (exceptional circumstances s.149) –– Applicant argued: a) decision to stand her down from training as a recruit (pre-swearing in) for four weeks to investigate conduct issues was unfair and unreasonable, and that but for that stand-down, she would have been successful in in her original squad securing a priority position; or b) she was allocated seniority at the bottom of the new squad, when on her academic results her seniority ought to have been higher and she would have obtained a priority position; and c) she has been living with her new partner since early 2023, he is unable to relocate as starting a new business.
Board is not satisfied that the stand-down was unreasonable, nor relevant to consideration of this GDAC transfer –– the allocation of a registered number (seniority) in the second squad not aligned to her academic score did not ultimately have any impact on the outcome of the GDAC process –– Applicant did not raise new relationship to seek an exemption from the ballot; given the recency of the relationship the Board is not satisfied that significant weight should be given to the inability to continue to reside together –– Board concludes the transfer was not harsh, unjust or unreasonable and affirms decision to transfer.
The decision to transfer the Applicant is affirmed.
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