PRSB views complaints as valuable opportunities to review and improve services and is committed to handling such matters in a fair, accessible, timely and confidential way.

What may I complain about?

You may lodge a complaint about the quality of PRSB administrative processes or services or the conduct of a PRSB Member or employee.

What complaints cannot be dealt with by the PRSB?

  • Complaints relating to Review Division decisions (Part 8, Victoria Police Act 2013). PRSB review and appeal decisions are subject to Supreme Court review (Administrative Law Act 1978 (Vic) or the Court's original jurisdiction under Order 56 of the Supreme Court (General Civil Procedure) Rules 2015 (Vic).
  • Complaints seeking a change of a Hearing Officer allocated to hear and/or decide a matter. A party who believes that the Member has a conflict of interest or is affected by bias may ask the Member to disqualify themselves, by emailing the request to (External link).
  • Staff grievances or complaints by an employee about another employee, a Member or a work related problem or a breach of the code of conduct. Internal complaints regarding staff conduct will be handled in accordance with applicable public sector employment laws, agreements and processes.
  • Complaints alleging that conduct of an employee or Member is ‘corrupt conduct’ within the meaning of section 4 of the Independent Broad-based Anti-corruption Commission Act 2011 should be referred to the Independent Broad-based Anti-corruption Commission (‘IBAC’).
  • Complaints relating to our use or disclosure of personal information (other than health information), will be directed to our Privacy Officer. The handling of the complaint will comply with the Privacy and Data Protection Act. Complaints about our handling of health records willalso be referred to our Privacy Officer and dealt with in accordance with the Health Records Act 2001 (Vic).
  •  Public interest disclosures (within the meaning of section 9 of the Public Interest Disclosures Act 2012) cannot be lodged with the PRSB. If a complaint is a public interest disclosure it should be made directly to IBAC. Report corruption or misconduct | IBAC. As PRSB is not authorised to accept public interest disclosures a person making such a disclosure to the PRSB will not receive the protections associated with making a public interest disclosure.

How do I make a complaint?

Send your complaint in writing by email, phone or post.

E (External link)

(03)8602 7515

P Police Registration and Services Board, Level 6, 155 Queen Street, Melbourne VIC 3000

How will PRSB respond to my complaint?

PRSB will acknowledge all complaints within 3 working days of receipt using the your preferred mode of communication (e.g. text message, email, telephone call). You will be advised the when you can next expect to hear from the PRSB and give contact details of the person handling the complaint.

The PRSB will :

  • check that the complaint is within the terms of this PRSB complaints policy or advise you if it does not . If the PRSB is not the right agency to deal with your complaint, you will be referred to the right agency
  • record the complaint in the complaint handling system, with all the required information
  • if necessary, contact you to clarify the complaint and the outcome you are seeking
  • if necessary, request further information from the complainant
  • refer the following complaints to the President for initial assessment: anonymous complaints, complaints where the complainant requests that their identity be withheld from a person about whom the complaint is made; a complaint relating to the conduct of a Member or Members. If the complaint is about the President, such complaints will be referred to a Deputy President
  • assess the complexity of the complaint and the likely time required for it to be completed
  • within 15 days of receipt of the complaint you will be notified of the expected time it will take for the PRSB to finalise its investigation to the complaint. If the time estimate changes, you will be notified and reasons for the delay will be provided.

If I am not satisfied with the response, where do I go?

If you are not satisfied with the way that PRSB manages your complaint, you may contact the Victorian Ombudsman (External link).

What do I do if my complaint  is about privacy?

See the PRSB Privacy Statement and if you wish to lodge a complaint, contact the Office of the Victorian Privacy Commissioner (External link).